Global Unicorn Club Analysis using Power BI

Did you know:

  1. There are 641 Unicorns with a cumulative valuation of close to USD 2.15K billion
  2. US contributes close to 50% from these 501 unicorns, with China contributing 25%, India 5% and UK 5%. That makes the total 85%.
  3. India, China, United Kingdom and Germany are top 4 countries for emerging unicorn clubs apart from US
  4. Fintech, Internet Software and Services, E-commerce & direct-to-customers and Healthcare are emerging industries of Unicorns?
  5. In the last 5 months (as of today April 14, 2021), 141 companies have become Unicorns. Nine of them are from India.

From India, the companies are: CRED, Meesho, ShareChat, Digit Insurance, Five Star Business Finance, Cars24, DailyHunt, Groww, Infra.Market

Stats last updated: April 14, 2021

Unicorn Analysis

A unicorn is a privately held company with valuation of more than $1B (USD 1 billion).

How were we able to get this kind of analysis from the Unicorn list?

We extracted the data from the web using Power Query and modeled and created an interactive report using Power BI. Analysis was performed to understand Unicorn trends from multiple dimensions.

We analyzed:

  1. Overall Unicorn Summary with year wise trends
  2. Overall unicorn companies distribution by geography and industry
  3. Top 10 views by Investors and Industry
  4. Investor Cohort by valuation ($B) of the companies they invested in
  5. Emerging trends by analyzing the companies joining the list in last 1 year
  6. Which industry/country is going to take over in future?

Please head to our Power BI report that we have hosted for detailed analysis. Play with it and let us know what you think about it.

Go to Live Power BI Report

Unicorn club Power BI Report

The report has following main tabs.

  1. Unicorn Club Summary
  2. Emerging Unicorn Club Summary
  3. Valuation $ Decomposition (Power BI AI Visual)
  4. Top 10 views
  5. Investor Industry Heatmap
  6. Investor Country Heatmap
  7. Unicorn List

You can filter the reports by Industry, Country, Investor and Date Joined.

Unicorn Club Summary:

This page shows an overall summary of the Unicorns with distribution by unicorn country and industry.

Unicorn club summary

Emerging Unicorn Club Summary:

All unicorns joined in the last 1 year. We analyze emerging unicorns to understand hot industries, countries, and investors.

Emerging Unicorns – Unicorns joined in last 1 year

Valuation $ Decomposition

In this visual we decompose the valuation ($B) and break it down by Country, Industry and Investor to have a tree like visual.

Unicorn Decomposition using Power BI AI Visual

Top 10 views – interesting views

This report tab shows top investors and industry. You can hover over the cell values to find Unicorns in that cohort. You can also cross filter to see Unicorns of the selected investor and industry.

Top 10 interesting views by Investor and Industry

Heatmaps – Investor-Industry, and Investor-Country

Get a glance of which industry and country investors are putting their money.

Investor – Industry heatmap shown for Country – India

The report also provides you drill-through capabilities. Ex: if you want to see which companies from India have joined the Unicorn list in the last year, right-click on “India” on the visual “From countries (top 5 based on valuation)”, click on “Drillthrough” and select report “Unicorn List Drillthrough”. This will open another report with all the filters applied.

Unicorn drillthrough

The filtered drill-through report.

Unicorn drillthrough report

Unicorn Club List

View the entire Unicorn list with Industry, Country and Date Joined filter. From the Date Joined filter you can select relative dates, ex: Last 1 month will give list of unicorns that joined the list in the last 1 month.

Unicorn List

What other interesting insights did you find from our report?

Access Live Power BI Report below (best viewed in full screen mode – click on the expand icon on bottom right corner)

Note: The data for the Global Unicorn list has been taken from CB Insights. For Raw data, please head to their website.

Thank you,

Ranbeer Makin

Contact us if you need enhancements to current report or you need similar analysis of your data.

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